Enhancing operational efficiency through IT services outsourcing

CLIENT: With an extensive presence across over 700 locations in Romania and over 8,000 users, the client made the decision to outsource their IT support activities. This choice allowed them to focus their efforts on core operations, the extraction, and marketing of petroleum products.

PROJECT: The client aimed to outsource complete management of hardware and software faults, IMAC operations (Install & Move & Add & Change), network services, as well as ticket allocation and management to the support team. These activities were provided both remotely and on-site. Additionally, reporting and managing response times (SLA) and performance indicators (KPI) were included in the project scope.

APPROACH: From the initial stage involving a detailed analysis of existing services to the final implementation stage, the technical details of adopted technologies were explored. Strategies for managing essential services were laid out to implement a scalable and efficient solution.

SOLUTION: To meet these requirements, the Connections Consult team opted for a multi-stage approach:

Documentation: The current state of services was extensively documented using Business Process Management (BPM) techniques. This method formed the core of the implementation process, enabling detailed analysis, service mapping, process redesign, technical implementation, and continuous governance, ensuring efficient deployment.

Analysis and Calibration: This involved reevaluating and redesigning services where necessary, considering identified challenges and optimal implementation methods.

Deployment: IT and telecommunication systems were selected and implemented, including the ServiceNow platform for efficient ticket management and workflows.


SLAs were a crucial component of this implementation, establishing parameters and standards for response and resolution times, among other aspects of the services provided. Examples of SLAs include response and resolution times job tickets, response times for incidents based on priority levels, and completion times for IMAC operations.

Adhering strictly to SLA timelines, we provided the client with both technical support and an exceptional service experience, with rapid solutions for critical incidents, efficient online interactions, and a minimum 97% ticket resolution rate within our service sphere.

In addition to technical implementation, special attention was given to Governance, ensuring compliance with client standards and objectives. This involved continuous service quality review to identify and rectify any deficiencies, thus maintaining high operational standards.

The implemented solution brought operational benefits such as reduced resolution times and increased efficiency, contributing to the client’s commitment to quality standards and services offered. By successfully integrating cutting-edge technologies and service management practices, the client solidified its position as a leader in the oil and gas industry, adeptly adapting to the challenges of a constantly changing digital world.


Cutting-edge technologies were employed, focusing on efficiency and scalability. The ServiceNow platform played a central role in efficient ticket management and workflows, along with a suite of applications covering various aspects of IT support, from hardware and software fault management to IMAC operations, including:

  • NETWORKING: OSI, TCP/IP Networking
  • PROGRAMMING: Scripting
  • CLIENT TOOL OUTLOOK: (Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Exchange/Microsoft Office 365) – Mailbox, PST, OST, Archiving, Public Folders, SMTP, POP3
  • MICROSOFT Exchange Anti-SPAM, Anti-Virus, Backup Solutions
  • APPLE: Software Support


The implementation process was coordinated by a dedicated team of professionals from Connections Consult, specialized in various fields such as IT infrastructure, service management, and cutting-edge technologies.

The team contributed their expertise to ensure seamless integration of proposed solutions within the client’s existing infrastructure, generating added value for them and supporting business objectives.


Over 8,000 client employees rely on advanced technical solutions in their day-to-day activities.


5 Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing


As a CEO or business owner, you understand the importance of finding ways to improve your business performance and streamline your current business processes. One of the most common ways to do this is through nearshore outsourcing, as it’s not only an effective way to reduce costs and gain access to highly-skilled professionals but also comes with the benefit of a minimum time difference that won’t affect your internal team workflow. In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourcing software development.

1. Access to a variety of programming languages

Outsourcing your software development can help you to operate your business more efficiently, as outsourcing providers are well-versed in many different programming languages and technologies. For example, Brusch Services, an IT consulting and software development company, part of Connections Consult Group, is offering consultancy on all levels of development of a software product while having solid experience in implementations of Oracle, SAP, and software development based on Java technology. They will apply the best practices to ensure that the software development process is streamlined, optimized, and efficient. You can be assured that your software development process will be transparent, documented, and streamlined.

2. Global talent pool

Outsourcing your software development provides you with access to a wide range of talented developers across the globe. You can hire top-tier developers from all over the world without being tied to any particular region. This means you can access a wide variety of skills, expertise, and programming languages that you don’t necessarily have in-house. Brusch Services, part of Connections Consult, a player in the digital transformation market in Romania, has an international team that is currently active in three markets (Romania, Germany, and Finland) and has the advantage of being a solid technology consulting center that aggregates advanced skills, thanks to their synergy with other companies in the group.

By outsourcing your software development you can tap the talents of a larger pool of developers with globally diverse experiences and skillsets to bring high-quality software to your business. The result? Better software, done faster and more cost-effectively.

3. Cost savings

The main advantage of outsourcing software development is cost savings. Outsourcing your software development can help you to reduce your overhead costs, save productivity or workforce expenses, and save on hardware and software investments. This is especially true if you are a startup or small business with limited resources. Outsourcing allows you to pay for quality talent based on the phases of software development that you need. Some outsourcing companies also offer complementary services like recruiting local qualified resources depending on your project’s needs or consulting if you need a market-entry strategy. Thus, you won’t have to invest time and money in recruiting, hiring, and training the in-house developers. You can rest assured that your project costs will be significantly reduced by outsourcing.

4. Agile Development Methodology

Agile development methodology is a popular software development practice that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. Many outsourcing providers specialize in Agile development methodologies, which means that they will have the expertise to develop and iterate software quickly, depending on your business’s changing requirements. Outsourcing your software development can significantly reduce the time to market of your products, giving you a competitive advantage in your industry.

5. Time to Focus on Core Business

By outsourcing your software development, you can focus your attention and resources on core business activities like strategy, lead generation, sales, and marketing. You and your in-house team can focus on developing your core products and services, leaving the software development to the experts while keeping your team morale and your productivity up.

Outsourcing software development is a sound strategy for businesses of all sizes. It provides access to brilliant minds with niche skills and expertise, leading to high-quality software solutions, faster and more cost-effectively. Outsourcing can also free up time and resources so that you can concentrate on growing your business and developing core products and services. The benefits of outsourcing software development include cost savings, access to global talent, increased focus on core business activities, agile development, and operational efficiency. With these benefits, your business can thrive, and you can remain competitive in your industry.

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Top 5 motive pentru care outsourcing-ul poate aduce beneficii companiei tale.

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În contextul unei piețe extrem de competitive, transformarea digitală a companiilor nu a fost niciodată mai necesară. Astfel, cererea de externalizare a serviciilor de software și de automatizare a proceselor este în creștere. Probabil că sunteți familiarizat cu beneficiile și compromisurile generale asociate pe scară largă cu outsourcing-ul, dar nu toate piețele de outsourcing și companiile din cadrul acestora sunt la fel. Datorită numeroșilor vorbitori de limbi străine și a specialiștilor IT, România se află printre primele 20 de țări preferate pentru outsourcing la nivel global și primele 3 în Europa.

Pe scurt, indiferent dacă sunteți un start-up sau o companie multinațională, externalizarea dezvoltării de software poate fi calea de urmat. Există nenumărate beneficii în a lua o greutate de pe umerii dvs. și a vă pune încrederea într-o altă companie pentru această etapă a proceselor companiei.

Reducerea costurilor

Procesul de angajare și formare a unei echipe cu normă întreagă poate fi costisitor, în special pentru proiectele pe termen scurt. Externalizarea nevoilor dvs. de software personalizat este o abordare bună pentru reducerea costurilor operaționale. Acest raționament este susținut, de obicei, de avantajele pe care externalizarea le oferă unei întreprinderi în ceea ce privește economiile de costuri și reducerea investițiilor permanente într-o infrastructură internă necesară pentru a realiza aceleași activități la nivel intern.

În plus, deoarece profesioniștii cu care veți lucra în procesul de externalizare sunt foarte bine pregătiți în domeniul contabilității, timpul necesar pentru a procesa facturile aferente clienților este mai scurt decât ar fi fost necesar pentru o echipă internă. De asemenea, compania dvs. va economisi timpul necesar pentru a recruta și instrui un nou angajat.

Vă puteți concentra pe activitățile de bază

Fiecare membru al echipei ar trebui să se concentreze pe ceea ce face cel mai bine și pe activitățile care aduc venituri astfel încât afacerea să aibă succes. Atunci când încredințați procesele unei alte companii, o mare parte din volumul de muncă dispare, iar dvs. veți avea timp să vă concentrați pe principalele activități ale afacerii. Astfel, outsourcing-ul este o soluție excelentă pentru a experimenta o creștere a eficienței și productivității, reducând în același timp și consumul de resurse.

Eficiență îmbunătățită a gestionării sarcinilor

Pe lângă procesul de delegare a sarcinilor de lucru care sunt greu de gestionat, externalizarea permite întreprinderilor să ia în considerare restructurarea proceselor de afaceri și beneficiile acesteia. Departamentele și operațiunile care nu sunt gestionate și care utilizează resurse necontrolabile sunt primele care trebuie încredințate unor specialiști care au, de obicei, o experiență vastă în management. De asemenea, externalizarea asigură continuitatea afacerii și un flux de lucru organizat și controlat.

Acces la o tehnologie modernă

Cele mai multe companii de externalizare a suportului tehnic solicită instruirea regulată a angajaților lor cu privire la noile practici și tehnologii. Cu o echipă de asistență tehnică externalizată în acest domeniu, aveți acces la cea mai bună tehnologie care se potrivește nevoilor afacerii dumneavoastră. Puteți fi sigur că veți primi sfaturi de încredere și servicii transparente pentru toate nevoile dvs. de afaceri legate de IT.

Este important să stabiliți o relație solidă cu partenerul dvs. de externalizare, deoarece acesta vă poate oferi servicii de calitate superioară în numele dvs., oferindu-vă în același timp cunoștințele sale de specialist în tot ceea ce înseamnă tehnologie, ceea ce vă poate ajuta să vă conduceți afacerea fără probleme.

Creșterea gradului de flexibilitate și a calității serviciilor

Unul dintre beneficiile externalizării este garantarea unei îmbunătățiri a performanțelor companiei, deoarece un expert va realiza o activitate mult mai repede și mult mai bine decât un angajat nespecializat pe un anumit segment, întrucât are deja experiența necesară. Având în vedere că organizațiile de outsourcing au experiență în acest sector, acestea vor realiza analiza și planul de gestionare a riscurilor în mod profesionist. Astfel, se economisesc bani și timp pentru instruire și se reduc riscurile. Specialiștii vor găsi cea mai bună opțiune pentru afacerea dumneavoastră.

Echipa poate avea, de asemenea, strategii pentru crearea și perfecționarea funcționalității software-ului, ceea ce va duce la inovații suplimentare. În plus, aceștia pot genera idei pentru a depăși dificultățile existente în cadrul companiei.

Un alt beneficiu important este faptul că firmele de outsourcing au, de asemenea, flexibilitatea necesară pentru a face față cerințelor în schimbare ale afacerilor. Această caracteristică permite unei întreprinderi opțiunea de a externaliza o parte a unei funcții, o întreagă divizie sau chiar responsabilități specifice, în funcție de strategia sa.

Căutați partenerul de externalizare potrivit pentru afacerea dumneavoastră? Contactați-ne la Connections Consult! Suntem o companie de echipă axată pe tehnologie, centrată pe procese și oameni. “Vindem” ROI folosind transformarea digitală și diverse modele de afaceri bazate pe servicii – BPaaS, servicii profesionale, creșterea personalului și externalizarea serviciilor tradiționale.

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Top 5 reasons outsourcing benefits your company

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In the background of a highly competitive market, the digital transformation of companies has never been more necessary. Thus, the demand for outsourcing software and process automation services is expanding. You’re probably familiar with the overall benefits and compromises widely associated with outsourcing, but not all outsourcing markets and companies within them are the same. Due to many foreign language speakers and IT specialists, Romania is among the top 20 preferred outsourcing countries globally and the top 3 in Europe. 

In short, whether you’re a startup or a global corporation, software development outsourcing can be the way forward. There are countless benefits to taking the weight off your shoulders and putting your trust in another company for this stage of the company process.

Reducing cost 

The process of hiring and training a full-time team can be expensive, especially for short-term projects. Outsourcing your custom software development needs is a good approach for businesses to cut operational costs. Typically, this rationale is supported by certain advantages that outsourcing provides to a business regarding cost-savings and reduced ongoing investments in an internal infrastructure required to perform the same activities in-house.

Moreover, since the outsourcing professionals you will be working with are highly trained in accounting, the time it takes to process invoices for accounts payable is less than what it would take for an in-house team. Your company will also save the time required to recruit and train a new employee.

Focus on the core business 

Every team member should have to focus on what they do best and activities that bring revenue for the business to be successful. When you entrust processes to another company, much of your workload is gone, and you have time to focus on the core segments of your business. Thus, outsourcing is a great solution to experience an increase in efficiency and productivity while lowering resource consumption.

Improved task management efficiency 

More than delegating work tasks that are laborious to handle, outsourcing permits businesses to take notice of the business process re-engineering and its benefits. Unmanaged departments and operations that use uncontrollable resources are the first to be outsourced to specialists who usually have extensive management experience. Also, outsourcing provides business continuity and controlled workflow.

Modern technology access

Most tech support outsourcing companies require regular training on new practices and technology with their employees. With an outsourced technical support team in this field, you get access to the best technology that fits your business needs. You can be sure to receive reliable advice and transparent service for all your IT-related business needs. 

Establishing a solid relationship with your outsourcing partner is important, as they can provide top-notch customer service on your behalf while sharing their expert knowledge on all things tech that can help run your business seamlessly.

Increased flexibility and service quality

One of the benefits of outsourcing is guaranteeing an improvement in company performance because an expert will perform an activity much faster and much better than a non-specialist employee in a particular segment, as he already has the necessary experience. Considering that outsourcing organizations have experience in this sector, they will perform the risk analysis and risk management plan professionally. This saves money and time for training and reduces risks. Specialists will find the best option for your business. 

The team may also have strategies for creating and improving software functionality, which will lead to additional innovation. Furthermore, they may generate ideas for how to overcome existing company difficulties.

Another important benefit is that outsourcing companies also have the flexibility to meet changing business demands. This feature allows a business the option to outsource part of a function, an entire division, or even specific responsibilities depending on its strategy.

Looking for the right outsourcing partner for your business? Contact us at Connections Consult! We are a technology-focused team company, process & people-centric. We “sell” ROI using digital transformation and various service-based business models – BPaaS, professional services, staff augmentation, and traditional services outsourcing.

3 Reasons You Should Outsource IT to Romania. Wherever you’re located

IT outsourcing to RomaniaIT outsourcing has many benefits, and outsourcing to Romania presents some unique advantages over some of the more common markets out there- wherever you happen to be located. Saying this, a lot of these advantages come down to where you’re based, and what you’re looking to achieve.

Here are 3 unique reasons to outsource to Romania with us, for companies in 3 unique regions:


● The costs of doing business in Romania are much lower than in Canada, and by outsourcing to a company like ours, we’re able to pass these cost savings onto you- without the need for you to sacrifice on quality.
● Romania is fairly close to Canada, both geographically and culturally. If you were to fly out of Bucharest in the morning, you could be in either Toronto or Montreal by the afternoon local time. Also, Romania is part of the EU and has a similar cultural background to Canada. As such, there’s not a whole lot of difference between outsourcing to Romania, or outsourcing to Ireland- only cost.
● Not only are we close, but we’re also local. We’ve got someone in Montreal, and we’re thinking about setting up a Canadian subsidiary over the next few months.

East & Southeast Asia

● By having part of your team based in Romania, you can make your business more international, as well as gain access to the largest combined market on earth, the European Union.
● Adding to the first point, through working with an international team, you’ll gain access to different concepts and ideas that can help you move forward and gain competitive advantages.
● Despite these advantages, hiring resources in Romania is often less expensive than hiring in-house, whether you’re in Seoul, Singapore, or Kuala Lumpur.

Australia & New Zealand

● You can do more with each day. As of May, Sydney and Melbourne are both 7 hours ahead of Bucharest. This means that your IT team can essentially operate in two shifts, and have an hour of overlap. This means more productivity for you, and more uptime- without any crazy schedules.
● In a similar sense to what we’ve mentioned about Canada, there aren’t many cultural differences between Romania, Australia, or New Zealand. Also, in comparison to many other IT outsourcing markets- English proficiency isn’t an issue.
● As we’ve mentioned above, whether you’re in Asia, Australia, or elsewhere- it’s a huge advantage to be able to have on-the-ground access to different foreign markets, and the EU happens to be the largest single market in the world today. By working with us in Romania, we can help you gain access to all of Europe.

5 benefits of IT outsourcing for your business

New to IT Outsourcing? 5 Key Benefits to Consider

5 Key Benefits of IT Outsourcing

If you haven’t outsourced before, you might still be unaware of some of the main benefits that come with IT outsourcing. Here are 5 for you to consider:

Cost Reduction

One of the most appreciated benefits of outsourcing is cost reduction. By leveraging outsourced teams, you’re able to take advantage of many of the lower costs associated with doing business in a particular foreign country- from labour to office costs. The end result is that you can do far more, while spending less doing it.

On-Demand Specialists

By working with an established IT outsourcing company, you’re able to leverage their HR and recruiting prowess as much as the specialists that you’re ultimately hiring. This means that not only will you have some of the brightest and best talent at your fingertips, but that you’ll be able to add whoever you need to your team, whenever you need them.

Greater Productivity

Outsourcing IT is an excellent way to increase productivity across your organization while adding to your bottom line. Considering that outsourced IT teams are often more cost-efficient compared to in-house teams (allowing you to have bigger teams for less), and considering that IT is crucial to most organizations’ productivity- outsourcing can be a game-changer for the organizations that leverage it.

Less Downtime

A major benefit that comes with IT outsourcing is that your outsourcing partner will likely be located in a different timezone than you, with the result being less overall downtime. As an example, let’s say your in-house team based in Montreal works from 10 AM to 6 PM local time, and your outsourced team in Serbia works from 8 AM to 4 PM their time. Since Serbia is 6 hours ahead of Montreal- your combined team will be active between 2 AM and 6 PM Montreal time on any given day. This reduces your downtime by 50%- from 16 hours per day to just 8.

New Ideas

Considering that IT outsourcing companies are often more or fewer consultancies that happen to work with organizations across many different industries and geographies, they are often hip to the latest trends and technologies in IT. With this knowledge and experience comes new ideas that could help take your organization’s IT outcomes to the next level.

Software Development Outsourcing Connections Consult

Software Development Outsourcing: How We’re Different

Software Development Outsourcing

Software development outsourcing is on the rise as companies around the world are looking to go further without spending more doing it. You’re probably familiar with the overall benefits and compromises widely associated with outsourcing, but not all outsourcing markets and companies within them are the same.

We’d like to tell you about how outsourcing to Romania with us is different than outsourcing somewhere else, across four points of comparison.

Value Adds

● You may have heard that the main value add from outsourcing is cost savings, and that cost savings mean quality sacrifices.
● Conversely, many of our clients pick us because we offer them fast and easy access to top-notch developers. At the same time, most of our clients also experience a high level of cost savings from working with us.

Working Transparency

● A common stereotype about software development outsourcing is that you’ll never know much about who’s actually developing your software- and that transparency is often an issue.
● On the flip side, we prefer to build teams of developers for our clients that are fully integrated with their own teams- separated only by distance.

Dialogue and Input

● An unfortunate stereotype, associated with certain outsourcing markets in particular, is that outsourcers use the phrase “yes, sir” a lot, without asking the right questions, and without offering much creative input of their own- leading to low-quality workmanship and misinterpretations.
● We focus on maintaining open dialogue and an atmosphere of candor with our clients. Besides that, we like to offer our ideas and advice to our clients, as ultimately, many minds go further than few.

Physical and Cultural Distances

● Many people feel that outsourcing involves overcoming vast cultural and physical distances. The 2006 comedy “Outsourced”, about an American that travels to India to set up a call centre, illustrates this stereotype perfectly.
● Fortunately, this isn’t the case with Romania. Not only is Romania’s culture and overall working mentality similar to other Western countries, but whether you’re in Montreal, Manchester, or Malmo- it’s fairly straightforward to set up an in-person meeting with us or with our developers. Compared to India as an example, visas aren’t much of an issue in either direction- and if you’re in Europe or North America, it’s probably much quicker and easier to get to/from Bucharest than Bangalore.

If you’d like to learn more, feel free to drop us a line, we’re in Bucharest