BeyondWork: About patience and adaptability in business development and tennis

Alex Vîlcea: Success doesn’t depend on one perfect shot or one good decision 

He tightens his racquet and concentrates. Every serve is calculated, based on precision and instinct. Every stroke requires balance and timing, just as every business decision must be well thought out and goal-oriented.

Failures in the field are often like challenges in business – difficult but fundamental to evolution. Both require adaptability, learning, and resilience. In both tennis and business, it takes patience, strategic thinking and the ability to adapt quickly.

Alexandru Vîlcea is a Connector, he works in business development and one of his favorite hobbies is tennis.

It’s an activity that not only keeps me physically fit, but also gives me a great opportunity to relax and disconnect from the daily routine. I discovered tennis a few years ago when a friend invited me to a friendly match. What initially attracted me to the sport was the combination of strategy, speed and stamina needed to play well, but also the pleasure of spending time outdoors.

Practice, patience, perseverance 

In the beginning, tennis was just a curiosity, an opportunity to learn something new. With each practice, however, he discovered the pleasure of playing and perfecting her techniques – from serve to forehand. Over time, he realized that tennis and business have a lot in common: both need strategy, attention to detail, and a desire to constantly evolve. It wasn’t easy to integrate this passion into her daily life, but through dedication, he managed to organize her time in such a way that he could train at least twice a week. And, of course, he began to watch professional tennis matches closely to learn new strategies and techniques to apply to his game. Progress came gradually and it showed especially in the first matches he won. But victory on the court is not about one perfect shot or one good decision, but countless moments of practice, patience and perseverance. And the road from learning to hold the racquet to winning in two sets has often been a challenging one.

It wasn’t always easy. One of the biggest challenges was learning to stay calm and focused during matches, especially when I was at a disadvantage. To overcome these difficulties, I constantly worked on controlling my emotions and developing a strong mental strength, which allowed me to stay focused and improve my game.

Win or lose, the challenge stimulates you 

When we take up sports as a hobby, there are many benefits, physical, mental and emotional. We are stronger, more flexible, healthier, less stressed and more disciplined. We generally have a much better mood and mental clarity. So, all the hours Alex spent on the tennis court did not go “unpunished”.

I can’t help but notice how much tennis has helped me. First, it has helped keep me in excellent physical shape, contributing to better cardiovascular fitness and toned muscles. In addition, it has become an important source of relaxation and disconnection, giving me precious moments of escape from everyday. From a mental point of view, tennis has taught me to be more disciplined, patient and strategic, skills that have served me well in other aspects of my life.

At the end of the match, win or lose, it’s the challenge that energizes Alex. Whether he’s on the pitch or taking on the ‘coat’ of business developer, it’s about pushing boundaries and refining skills at every opportunity.

Tip for those who want to play tennis 

Be patient with yourself.

Tennis is a technical sport and mastering it takes time and practice. It is also essential to invest in quality equipment, especially the right shoes, to prevent injury.

Start with basic lessons.

Either with a coach or friends who have experience, and don’t hesitate to ask for advice or practice as much as possible.

Enjoy the game.

Don’t be discouraged by difficulties. Tennis is a sport that can be very rewarding if you give it the time and dedication it needs.


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